Nurses Corner

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Mercury Hazards

Numerous health reports over the last few years decry the toxic effects of mercury. Swordfish apparently carry large amounts of this metal in their bodies, and now swordfish is considered unhealthy to ingest.

As I was making rounds today, the radio was on the Robert S Bell show. Bell is a renegade health radio talk show host. While some of the information on his website gives me pause, and I just can't agree with it ... other parts seem spot-on. He was discussing mercury and it's effects today, and mentioned that immunizations, including flu vaccine, childhood vaccines, metal cavity fillings, some fish etc. contain mercury. I found the immunization information astonishing.

So what's a safe level of mercury? Apparently very little. If a mercury filled thermometer breaks at a school, the school is evacuated, the HazMat team comes in to clean up the mess. Exactly where is the truth, and who's telling it? Bell, or the government?

I used to play with the stuff when our thermometers broke. Far as I can tell, I'm ok.

How many times have we heard of a "safe" medication, that later turns out to be deadly? Do we really want to be guinea pigs, we must because as a population we take billions of pills of various medications yearly.

Safest bet is to avoid as many medications as possible, for as long as possible.
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