Nurses Corner

Friday, February 24, 2006

Ecstasy and...

I read an article today about childhood depression increasing the risk of the illegal drug "Ecstasy" among the adult population.

I suppose it could happen, but one has to wonder when people are going to stop finding excuses for their dysfunctional lives and realize they're just like everyone else. At some point in the emotional growth of the adult human, a person has got to realize some things were out of their control as children, they weren't responsible for whatever went wrong.

At some point we all have to take responsibility for our own lives and quit blaming others. I may be way off base here, and I'm sure willing to admit it. But it seems to me that the blame game, and political correctness, and the dumbing down of our population, and the psycho-babble has got to stop.

Ok enough of the ranting.

Here's the article if you want to read it.

(This has been mentioned before, but if you're depressed, go to Scroll down to "Depression Schedule". Try it. It beats taking pills by a long shot.