Nurses Corner

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Comments and Disable Functions

Ahhh, thank goodness for comment moderation. If anyone other than the 3 year old posters saw the delightful comments the children left, I do apologize. See what happens when you turn your back on immature brats? They leave filth in their wake. Such a shame.

At least someone read the blog ;). I've disabled comments to avoid embarrassment or discomfort.

Speaking of discomfort, my youngest came home on leave and while here, his friend came for a visit. Brilliant young man, hilariously funny. He had some interesting theories, one of which was what life will be like when the oil economy dies. Among other things, he mentioned the medical community and reliance on plastics, which is made from petroleum.

Truth be known, all types of medical facilities throw away untold amounts of metric tons of plastic per day.

If this young man is correct in his theory, our medical system will literally be thrown back into the middle ages overnight.

It's not a pretty scenario. And it's not exclusive to the have or have not of oil.

Suppose the dreaded bird flu does do it's damage, suppose it does live up to the expectations of the experts and millions are killed. What should you expect? It's a long list.

Expect rampant disease, not only from a pandemic itself, but from loss of utilities, loss of sewage treatment, loss of clean water, loss of services including heat, electricity, natural gas. Expect a second wave. Expect you will not be able to get medical treatment. Expect that you'd better figure out a way to keep yourself and your family alive. Expect that if you live in a highly populated area, things will get ugly, and dangerous very quickly. Expect that someone you thought you could trust will try to harm you. Expect the worst, hope for the best.